Mildly Spiced Chicken Patties with Green Yogurt Dip


Are you some-what back to work, or being wise and waiting it out until the year’s grand end coming up mid-week through? No matter what you’re doing, don’t get over partying and feasting just yet. Not for another 2 days at-least! So, if you’re still deciding on appetizer options for the New Year’s party, these … Continue reading

Stuffed Peppers with Ground Chicken

Having cooked Indian dishes for a nice long time now, I’ve kind of ignored trying to understand what each one of those zillion spice powders imparts to your dish – smokiness, spice, sweet, freshness, etc. It is interesting to watch western chefs use Indian spices like cumin and coriander powder every once in a while and acknowledging the … Continue reading

Chicken Capsicum Tostadas

Chicken Capsicum Tostadas ~ Mildly spiced ground chicken cooked with peppers and served on tortilla chips with a sour cream / geek yogurt topping or dip. I had some ground chicken in the freezer and had been contemplating a meatball recipe for a while. But then a pepper emergency came up and I had one bright … Continue reading