Sweet Cinnamon French Toast

Sweet Cinnamon French Toast

Another favorite childhood memory – tearing up fat slices of bread that is soooo soft all through its core, soaked up in the sweet goodness of milk, eggs and sugar. Add cinnamon to it and you have a winner breakfast (more like dessert?!) any day – fills you up in a very happy way!

Source: Mom

Makes: 3 to 4 slices of bread depending on the size

Cooking Time: 15 minutes


  1. Sandwich bread – 3 large slices or 4 regular slices
  2. Eggs – 3
  3. Milk – 3 to 4 tbsp
  4. Sugar – 3 tbsp or to taste
  5. Cinnamon powder – 1 tsp
  6. Butter – for toasting (approx. 1 tbsp)


  1. Beat eggs, milk, sugar and cinnamon powder until everything comes together. Use a shallow bowl/ pie pan or plate for this so it is easier to soak the bread slices flat without breaking them.
  2. Place a slice of bread in the mixture and dip to coat the bottom of the bread and then flip over to coat the other side. Note: The longer the bread stays in the mixture the more it soaks up the batter and gets soggy as well.
  3. Heat a girdle / skillet or tava, add butter and carefully place the bread slices on the tava. Shake off any excess batter before placing it on the skillet.
  4. Cook on med-high for about a minute or two to toast until the bread develops a golden brown color.
  5. Add little bits/ shavings of butter to the exposed side of the bread. Flip over and toast again until golden brown. Remove onto a plate. Repeat with the remaining pieces.


  1. You can adjust the consistency of the batter by slightly increasing the amount of milk, but be careful to not make it too runny which will dilute the richness and flavor of the toast.
  2. The sugar in the egg batter can be substituted with powdered sugar sprinkled over the toasted bread in the end or with any sweet syrup (maple syrup, honey, etc) at the time of serving.
  3. To add more joy to this dish, serve with fresh fruit – berries are a great choice.
  4. You can make plain French toast without the cinnamon powder too.
One Response to “Sweet Cinnamon French Toast”
  1. PoppyBhavan says:

    Easy 2 Make Good 2 Eat.

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